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Sighted as regularly as rocking horse do-doos, a 1.75″BSP immersion heater has a circumference of 168 mm and a diameter of 51mm, thus it has options element-wise.

If only single phase is required, you could employ 2 looped elements and one stat pocket. Two elements commoned up at both ends, job done.

If 3 Phase is required, needing 3 elements, then the 3 elements would only be U bent. It is not possible to loop the 3 elements to reduce the watt density, as the resulting element bundle would not fit thru the hole. On the plus side, this arrangement would enable 2 stat pockets to be fitted, if needed.

If you are unfortunate enuf to be tied to 1.75″BSP, call Jamie on01827 215684 to discuss your requirements.